
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Denisard Cneio de Oliveira Alves” ,找到相关结果约215755条。
Modeling House Pricing in the Real Estate Market of S o Paulo City
Denisard Cneio de Oliveira Alves,Joe Akira Yoshino,Paula Carvalho Pereda,Carla Jucá Amrein
Revista Brasileira de Finan?as , 2011,
Abstract: edonic modeling has become a benchmark for pricing real assets with several intrinsic characteristics. This work tests also others dimensions for asset pricing: the quality of life in the housing neighborhood and macroeconomic variables. The data is about the real estate market in S o Paulo city from January 2001 to March 2008. The main results were: the longer the maturity of mortgage financing, the larger the housing price, but decreasing interest rate spread stimulate the real estate market, and the interactions between the dummy for the boom period and either housing characteristics or bank interest rates spread show that the hedonic model loses its relative importance for pricing, while market risk variables become much more relevant. Thus, these new findings suggests that for modeling a house price index it is not sufficient to consider only average prices or a hedonic approach, but both the market and credit risks as well.
Relation between Gamma Decomposition and Powder Formation of γ-U8Mo Nuclear Fuel Alloys via Hydrogen Embrittlement and Thermal Shock  [PDF]
Fábio Branco Vaz de Oliveira, Delvonei Alves de Andrade
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/wjnst.2014.44023
Abstract: Gamma uranium-molybdenum alloys have been considered as the fuel phase in plate type fuel elements for material and test reactors (MTR), due to their acceptable performance under irradiation. Regarding their usage as a dispersion phase in aluminum matrix, it is necessary to convert the as cast structure into powder, and one of the techniques considered for this purpose is the hydration-dehydration (HDH). This paper shows that, under specific conditions of heating and cooling, γ-UMo fragmentation occurs in a non-reactive predominant mechanism, as shown by the curves of hydrogen absorption/desorption as a function of time and temperature. Our focus was on the experimental results presented by the addition of 8% weight molybdenum. Following the production by induction melting, samples of the alloys were thermally treated under a constant flow of hydrogen for temperatures varying from 500°C to 600°C and for times of 0.5 to 4 h. It was observed that, even without a massive hydration-dehydration process, the alloys fragmented under specific conditions of thermal treatment during the thermal shock phase of the experiments. Also, it was observed that there was a relation between absorption and the rate of gamma decomposition or the gamma phase stability of the alloy.
Em nome de Deus, da democracia e da terra: representa es anticomunistas na década de 1960 no Piauí
Marylu Alves de Oliveira
Antíteses , 2008,
Abstract: O artigo se prop e a analisar as principais representa esanticomunistas piauienses na décadade 1960. Verificamos a existência de trêsvertentes anticomunistas no estado: a religiosa,a do conservadorismo e uma ligada à quest oda propriedade privada, que juntas podem sercompreendidas como os grandes segmentosrepresentativos, onde encontramos os que lutarammais veementemente contra o comunismonaquele momento. A partir dessas vertentes,apontamos para uma gama de representa esanticomunistas, que foram construídas noPiauí, e que, de certa forma, ajudaram asignificar a grande maioria dos acontecimentospolíticos e sociais naquele estado nessa década.
Violência na TV: sele o do noticiário Violência na TV: sele o do noticiário
Ubiratan de Oliveira Alves
Semina : Ciências Sociais e Humanas , 2010, DOI: 10.5433/
Abstract: Estudo das noticias divulgadas na televis o em Londrina, visando a determinar o impacto da violência no noticiário de televis o, através da análise da natureza do fato, da categoria de noticia, da procedência, do envolvimento individuai ou coletivo, dos aspectos de violência mais evidentes, e dos recursos utilizados para atingir a sensibilidade do público. Study of the news presented in the television station in Londrina, looking at the impact of violence in the television news bulletin, by the analysis of the nature of fact, the class of news, the origin, the involving, the clearing aspects of violence and the resources used to reach the public sensibility.
A bacia de Marmelar. Aplica o de métodos sedimentológicos ao estudo da evolu o do relevo
Celeste de Oliveira Alves
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 1971,
The low-mass end of the IMF
C. Alves de Oliveira
Physics , 2013,
Abstract: The rapid advances in infrared detector technology over the past decades have impelled the development of wide-field instruments, and shaped our view of the cold universe. Large scale surveys in our Galaxy have discovered hundreds of brown dwarfs enabling the characterisation of the mass function in the substellar regime. I will review the most recent observational results concerning the substellar IMF derived in star forming regions, open clusters, and the field, that must be reproduced and explained by any successful star formation theory.
Construction of Assistive Technology for Blind Women: Handbook on Behavioral Contraceptive Methods  [PDF]
Mariana Gon?alves de Oliveira, Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca
Creative Education (CE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2014.523222
Abstract: It notes the need of searching for technologies and strategies that encompass the universe to be reached, considering the peculiarities of each customer. Thus, there is a need to develop educational technologies on sexuality in accessible formats and inclusiveness to promote health to the blind people. This study aimed to describe the construction of an assistive technology for blind women on sexual and reproductive health, with a focus on behavioral contraceptive methods. This is a study of development of assistive technology on sexual and reproductive health. Results presented in two categories: 1) content and 2) appearance. The construction of educational textbooks for blind people is to facilitate the lives of these people.
Quantum Chemical Studies of Endofullerenes (M@C60) Where M = H2O, Li+, Na+, K+, Be2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+  [PDF]
Osmair Vital de Oliveira, Arlan da Silva Gon?alves
Computational Chemistry (CC) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/cc.2014.24007
Abstract: Quantum chemical calculations were performed to investigate the structural and electronic properties of seven endofullerenes. The interaction energies indicated that all of the chemical species are stable inside the fullerene for each complex. The ionization potential and electron affinity values suggest that the endofullerenes consisting of alkaline earth ions are the most reactive and that the dipole moment decreased according to the following order: Be2+@C60 (4.75) > Mg2+@C60 (3.14) > Ca2+@C60 (2.24) > Li+@C60 (1.26) > Na+@C60 (0.76) > H2O@C60 (0.24) > K+@C60 (0.00 Debye). These results imply that the solubility of endofullerenes in a polar solvent may increase from H2O@C60 to Be2+@C60. The energetic gaps indicate that Be2+@C60 and Mg2+@C60 possess a higher electrical conductivity, and the UV spectra show a shift in the bands to the visible light region. The results of this work may be useful for the development of new endofullerenes.
Petroleum Patent Used Such Monitoring Technological Like Innovation Process of Drilling Fluids with Xanthan Gum —World Panorama  [PDF]
Marco Antonio Martins de Oliveira, Cheila Gon?alves Mothé, Leandra Guimar?es de Oliveira
Engineering (ENG) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/eng.2015.77036
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the importance of patenting and publishing as an instrument of incentive to technological innovation in the petroleum chemistry area. The present study has examined the publications and the patent applications published from 1974 to 2014. A technological monitoring methodology for patents in drilling fluid with xanthan gum has been compared using profiles of patent application in the world, with emphasis on Industrial Property Databases available on the internet (INPI-Br, Derwent, Espacenet, Patent Scope and USPTO) with intention to assess the main inventors, applications, applications’ countries, the IPC classification, years of application and category of claims as well as discuss the importance of patents as a means of encouraging technological innovation of xanthan gum. The United States and China stand out both in relation to the publication of papers as well as in the amount of patent filing in scientific publications with the theme drilling fluid with additive xanthan gum classified by the authors’ country of origin. It is observed that Brazil and the US lead the ranking with 15 publications (about 23.1% of the total). Among the 72 institutions obtained as a result, both Petrobras SA and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, lead the world ranking, with 6 publications each; in relation to the areas of knowledge, it is observed that engineering stands out in the publication of papers and the areas of chemistry, engineering, energy fuels and polymer science are noticeable in numbers of patent applications. The analysis of patent filings in the periods proposed features a significant percentage associated with the classification C09K.
Cleidocranial Dysplasia: A Case Report
Alves,Nilton; Oliveira,Reinaldo de;
International Journal of Morphology , 2008, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-95022008000400043
Abstract: the cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare disease which can occur either spontaneously or by a dominant autosomal inheritance, with no predilection of genre or ethnic group. the odontologist is, most of the times, the first professional who patients look for to solve the problem, since there is a delay in the eruption and /or an absence of permanent teeth. in the case related in this work, this was the reason why the patient looked for treatment. many others odontological problems are also present in this syndrome, such as, supernumerary teeth, retained teeth, with shape deviation and absence of deciduous teeth resorption. the premature diagnosis allows a proper orientation for the treatment, offering a better life quality for the patient.

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